Contact Us

Need help or require a quote?

For a fast quote, we've made it easier than ever. Use your phone to take a picture of the mattress you need to replace and send it directly to us on WhatsApp at 07769 431970. This will give us a better understanding of what you're looking for.

Remember to provide us with the following information:

  • Your caravan's make
  • Your caravan's model
  • The year of your caravan

Of course, alternatively, you can take the old-fashioned route. Feel free to sketch the dimensions of your current mattress and email this information, along with any accompanying images, to

We look forward to helping you find your perfect mattress!

For quick assistance, call our mattress expert, at 0121 663 6299. For general updates or enquiries, use the form below to email us. We aim to respond typically within an hour.

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